Use this fixed change shim to adjust rear toe on the Fiat500 -.38°. Need camber change too? Stack a camber shim withthis toe shim. See camber shims 71781-71784. Do you see alot of Fiat 500s? Consider shim kit 71770, it has two eachof all Fiat 500 shims to
Tags: Alignment Kits , N/A
Use this fixed change shim to adjust rear toe on the Fiat500 -.38°. Need camber change too? Stack a camber shim withthis toe shim. See camber shims 71781-71784. Do you see alot of Fiat 500s? Consider shim kit 71770, it has two eachof all Fiat 500 shims to
Tags: Alignment Kits , N/A
Brand: Giant Loop
Brand: Giant Loop
Brand: Sena
Brand: Moroso